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What is Inclined Sleep Therapy?

Incline Sleep Therapy ( AKA Inclined Bed Therapy ) involves sleeping with the bed elevated at the head by 3-7 degrees, creating a gentle slope. This promotes various health benefits by leveraging gravity to assist bodily functions. studies have highlighted potential benefits:

Deep sleep is an essential part of high performance. Your whole body runs better after a good night’s sleep: you’re mentally quicker, your memory improves, you burn more fat, and your cells become better at making energy. And with 80 percent of people facing at least occasional insomnia,[1] learning to hack your sleep has never been more valuable.


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1. Improved Circulation

Sleeping on an incline may enhance blood flow by using gravity to support the natural return of blood to the heart. This can help reduce the pooling of blood in the lower extremities, which may be beneficial for people with varicose veins or edema.

2. Reduced Acid Reflux and Gerd Symptoms

Elevating the upper body can help prevent stomach acid from traveling up into the esophagus, which may reduce symptoms of acid reflux or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)

3.  Improved Breathing

Sleeping on an incline may reduce pressure on the chest and lungs, which can help with conditions like sleep apnea, snoring, and respiratory issues.


4.  Spinal Alignment

Some proponents believe IBT can help improve spinal alignment and reduce back pain by gently elongating the spine during sleep.

5.  Enhanced Lymphatic Drainage

Gravity might assist in promoting better lymphatic drainage, potentially reducing inflammation and supporting the immune system.

6.  Reduced Eye Pressure

For people with glaucoma or high intraocular pressure, sleeping with the head elevated may help reduce pressure in the eyes.

7.  Better Sleep Quality

The inclined position can make some people feel more comfortable, improving overall sleep quality.


8.  Better Lymphatic Drainage

The inclined position may support the lymphatic system in draining waste and toxins more effectively, potentially reducing inflammation and boosting immune function.

9.  Reduced Snoring and Sleep Apnea

Sleeping at an incline can help open the airways, reduce pressure on the chest, and improve breathing, making it particularly helpful for those who snore or suffer from obstructive sleep apnea.

10.  Potential Neurological Benefits

  • Some proponents suggest that sleeping inclined may improve cerebrospinal fluid drainage, which could benefit brain health, though this claim requires more scientific backing.


11.  Prevention of Swelling

By preventing fluid buildup in the legs, ankles, or other parts of the body, IBT can be beneficial for individuals prone to swelling due to medical conditions or prolonged periods of standing

Transition Period

It may take time to adjust to sleeping at an incline. Some people experience temporary discomfort or restlessness initially.


While many anecdotal reports suggest benefits, scientific research on IBT is not extensive, so its efficacy for specific conditions may vary.


Incline Sleep Therapy AKA Incline Bed Therapy has been around for 2000 years.

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